This product alone changes your website reach immediately!

Business Owners and Webmasters,

My question for you though is have you taken the time to really evaluate your website? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this, but someone who used Shine Ranker just ranked #1 for web design in his town, “literally knowing nothing about SEO”.

I am the Automation Dad and I […]

Learn How to Do What I am Doing!!

Business Owners and Leaders,

You could just sit still and hope your business grows in a recession. As an alternative, you can take a few hours and learn to do what I am doing.

I am the Automation Dad and I make a living doing this, reaching millions of customers at a time, promoting my business […]

Its time for a change!

Business Owners/Leaders,

My name is Josh and I am the founder of A while back someone reached out to me and told me about Groove. Little did I know what impact this suite of products would have on my business.

Please take a few minutes and check out what they have to offer. I […]

Can I have a few minutes to show you how to pay Less for Credit Card Processing, or make $1000.00

Hello Business Owner,

I am the Automation Dad, also a business owner and I am a referral partner for Luminous Payments. Do you mind taking a few minutes to learn about how you can save money on credit card processing!

I wouldn’t be filling out this contact form unless I thought this was legit and […]

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Smart Automation Tools makes it easy for you to fully automate your income, quickly and easily, and it works like gangbusters. Try it here:

Did you know that you can use little-known automation tools to build your business?

It enables you to automate your income, quickly and easily, and it works great. Try it here:

The terrible news is that you are missing out right now by not using it…


P.S.: A brand new tool has just been added to […]

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Hello, I’m Helen Slade. Apologies for contacting you through your contact form, but I work with CitiCorp and we are contacting dynamic people who wish to earn BIG money whilst still keeping their existing jobs or businesses. I work for CitiCorp, making $6,000 a month, but make far more money in my side hustle […]

If you are intrigued by people making millions upon millions faster than at any time in history within cryptocurrency, even in downturns, but don’t want to get scammed by hucksters then please read this message

Hi, I’m John, John Adamson. Thank you for reading my message. My offer is simple and straightforward. I’m sure you’re wary, as I was, of all the scammers and sharks that are operating in the Cryptocurrency world at the moment. Like any new innovation, like the internet or even the automobile, lots of snake-oil […]