Here’s a quick story of our marketing journey and a social experiment.

My company started out by doing really detailed audits of sites and sending them to business owners pointing out exactly what they should be doing to increase their rankings. Results – crickets.
Then we found those whose sites were missing SSL certificates (no https) and show up Not Secure and offered to fix that for free. Results – mostly quiet with some responses telling us to go you know where.
When Google Analytics was phasing out Universal and moved to GA4, we emailed offering to help people with that move for free. Results…I think you get it.

So after all of those honest, free, and helpful attempts and receiving back vile language responses, we decided to try another approach. In a bit of a social experiment we changed our tone and were more direct in our message & language.
That generated a storm leading to a ton of responses, opt-outs, more vile language BUTquite a few leads.

We were partly embarrased and quite shocked. Not sure what it says about our society as a whole but it did provide us with some insight. Here were the lessons learned:

– More directness produced a lot more replies.
– What some people found offensive, others found funny and interesting.
– Standing out from the rest of the daily emails worked

So now, we are processing all of this and are passing on the lessons to you. We haven’t found the right balance yet but with this experiment are on our way.

Hope this helps you in your marketing efforts. And if you need any help from us, we are here to assist.


Based on CAN-SPAM Act, we and others are allowed to email you as long as there is an opt-out. To opt out of future messages just reply and put “opt out” in the subject.
If you’re having a bad day and choose to respond with something unprofessional, keep in mind that everyone is a potential client of yours.
The domain below is listed for us to know who to remove.