The casinos are totally controlled to maintain the RTP parameter. Since Casino industry is part of Entertainment category, the controlling the game in such a way that it maintains the RTP not to exceed for a particular table.

There can be casinos that are not bound with RTP requirements, these casino are called as true and fair casinos(Not sure if they exit in this world or not). But most of the casinos including land based and Online are controlled.

The software that control the ball and everything for example in roulette table are designed very smartly to take care of each and everything.

So question is can we make regular money with casinos? Answer is NO because they are RTP bound and can’t let you go beyond certain RTP % of tha game or table.

Where we can find the best Possibility to make regular and long term profits? Well, no one can guarantee it but if you able to find out a truely random betting event that is beyond human(Player’s) contol then it has probability of 50-50.This is very good probability because no one can control the game againts you as it is beyond human control. But these events are just few if you include all the games.

To generate profit out of 50-50 probability you need to make sure the odds are around 2.0 and you need to use soft progression(explained in our strategy & Tutorial).

Once you have control over these 2 things, there is a very high chance that with no one going aginst you and you are making profits.

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