
I hope you’re having a great day. If not, you’re about to lol.

If you’re reading this, your website is not secure.

I just submitted your contact form on your website very easily using robots pretending to be a lead.

You got notified, and you’re probably a little angry about it.

Whoever built your website did not build it with security in mind or simply had no idea that this would happen.

This style of spamminess started happening on EVERY website I built for my clients.

The industry didn’t matter. It just kept happening.

My clients kept getting excited because they thought they were getting notified about a potential lead coming from their website.

Then they instantly got angry and thought I was charging them for fake leads. (We offer marketing services, and they pay per lead or per click)

These bots were messing up my client’s ROI predictions and creating fake data inside their systems.

I want nothing more than to have happy clients who write raving testimonials.

If I wanted my clients to stick around, I needed to figure out why we were getting spammers several times per day.

So I did just that.

I spent the last 5 months trying to solve this headache.

This is what I found out:

1.) You can “opt-out” of receiving these messages/emails ,but nothing ever changes.

2.) Nothing changes because people are creating MASSIVE lists of websites and selling the data. You can pay for lists on Fiverr and other shady places on the internet.

(How do I know? Your website contact page is on a list of over 4 million website domain names. I simply bought the list and started messaging you. It’s that simple! And annoying lol)

3.) It’s impossible to tell how many people have your website on their list.

4.) I figured out that I could control / manage the spammers for my clients by creating segmentations.

5.) I was able to reduce the spam into my client’s inboxes by 99%.

6.) I figured out a way to prevent the contact form from being submitted on the contact page based on specific triggers.

Anyway, I don’t want to take up too much more of your time.

If you’re fed up with receiving these messages, you have two options:

1.) Click the link in the bottom of this particular email and opt-out from any further communication from ME. However, as I was saying above, unfortunately, your website is not just on my list. It’s on a list that I purchased. You’d have to opt-out of everyone’s list. Which is impossible because most people will not allow you to. They don’t even give you the option.

2.) You could remove your website’s contact form, but then you’ll struggle to receive legitimate leads.

3.) I can set up spammer-protection and do the same thing for you that I do for my clients. We build secure websites and provide peace of mind. All while eliminating fake leads.

Is it 100 percent accurate? No, it’s a constant battle, but we eliminate 99 percent of the garbage.

I can’t do this for everyone, even though I wish I could. If you’re using WordPress, we can help you. If you’re not using WordPress, we may have to rebuild your website. Which we’d love to do anyway.

I know, that doesn’t sound fun.

Again, I apologize for reaching out to you like this.

As this new way of contacting businesses is becoming increasingly popular, spam will only get worse.

There are people on Youtube training other people how to use robots to spam business contact forms to sell products.

If you’re fed up, watch this short video I made for you.


We’ll eliminate garbage and make tomorrow spam free.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Optout of future communication – https://urloptout.com/optout1/?site=extranjeroseneua.com