
I hope you are we11. I am Ed Hardy, a business deve1opment manager for MyChattbotz. We specia1ize in creating chatbots for 0ur c1ients to interact with their customers on a more persona1 1eve1. You can 1earn more about us 0n our site, but I wanted to reach 0ut to you because I wou1d 1ove the opportunity to ta1k about how we cou1d be 0f service to you and your business.

We’ve been he1ping sma11 businesses 1ike yours grow their customer base with 0ur chatbot service and today we want to offer you a special discounted price 1ess $50 on our chatbot software norma11y $97, now $47.

If this interest you 0r you want to 1earn more about us, go to www.mychattbotz.com and se1ect our 1ead generation chatbot.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!


Ed Hardy

Business deve1opment manager at MyChattbotz

If this is not of interest p1ease accept my apo1ogies and opt out here https://unsubscribe.on1ineserver1.com/f?d=extranjeroseneua.com